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Android Tips from File->New Project

Posted on 25 Jan 2013

I learned several Android tips the other day from an unlikely place: File->New Project. I started a new project and found out that the latest SDK gives you an option to include an activity as your base. I chose LoginActivity and found several new things.

EditTexts can have errors

Android EditText Error

This is possible by calling setError on the EditText. - attemptLogin()
// Check for a valid password.
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mPassword)) {
  focusView = mPasswordView;
  cancel = true;
} else if (mPassword.length() < 4) {
  focusView = mPasswordView;
  cancel = true;

The merge view

I’m still a little uncertain about this one, but after doing some searching it looks like you can speed up the display of your views if you use merge. More info.

<merge xmlns:android=""
  tools:context=".LoginActivity" >

  <!-- Login progress -->

  <LinearLayout ... />
  <ScrollView ... />

Value files can be layout specific

This one might be my favorite tip of them. I knew you could make resource files specific to versions of android, but I didn’t know you could make value files specific to a layout. With this you can stick layout specific strings in a separate file and not clutter up the main strings.xml file.

Android values and layouts folder

Using Webmock to Stub to a Rack App

Posted on 17 Jan 2013

I have been integrating with outside services recently and decided to use webmock to stub the requests. Instead of creating a bunch of stub_request for each section of the service you want to stub, you can just stub the entire domain to a rack app. It’s a lesser known feature of webmock because it’s just briefly mentioned in their readme.

You just have to call #to_rack at the end of a stub_request instead of #to_return. In the rack app you can also validate that the requests you are sending contain the correct headers, are authenticated correctly, etc.

RSpec.configure do |config|
  config.before do
    stub_request(:any, /outsideservice\.com/).to_rack(
class OutsideServiceApp
  def call(env)

    case [env["REQUEST_METHOD"], env["PATH_INFO"]]
    when ["GET", "/orders"]
      [200, {}, ["spec/fixtures/orders.json")]]
      [404, {}, []]

describe OutsideServceCaller do
  it "should load orders" do
    OutsideServiceCaller.orders.should =="spec/fixtures/orders.json")

3 Tips for Amazon AWS

Posted on 11 Jan 2013

I set up several EC2 instances earlier this week and had a lot of trouble trying to get them up and running. I figured I would share the things I learned, even if they seem pretty obvious.

When setting a specific kernel and ram id in AWS, the architecture should be chosen first.

I had to create an AMI from a specific snapshot and to do that you need to set the correct kernel and ram id. I could not find the one that I was supposed to use and eventually switched the architecture from 32 to 64, and suddenly the ids I was looking for were there.

If your instance is not responding, you might have picked the wrong kernel.

Since I was picking my own kernel id from a pretty huge select box, I managed to get it wrong. The instance launched and the AWS console said it couldn’t reach it via network. Loading it in the browser was broken as well. I tried launching new instances and rebooting several times to no avail. Eventually I checked the ids and they were off. Creating a new AMI with the correct kernel id fixed it.

If you need to transfer a file between instances, transfer between them directly.

This one might seem incredibly obvious, but for some reason I didn’t think to do this until after I was half way through downloading a 3GB+ file. Once I realized it, I started the transfer between them directly and the transfer between them finished before my download did.

Getting Started With Ncurses and Ruby

Posted on 19 Dec 2012

I have been writing an ncurses campfire client hobostove and recently gave a presentation on using Ncurses and Ruby.

Hobostove uses the ncurses-ruby gem. It’s pretty old but so is Ncurses. Here I’ll give the basics of setting up, refreshing, and tearing down. I’ll do a panel usage post later.

  • Ncurses.initscr - sets up Ncurses
  • Ncurses.cbreak - don’t wait for a new line to send characters to Ncurses.getch
  • Ncurses.noecho - don’t echo typed characters to the screen
  • Ncurses.doupdate - compares the virtual screen to the physical screen and updates accordingly
  • Ncurses.refresh - writes to the terminal
Tear down
  • Ncurses.echo - echos characters back to the screen
  • Ncurses.endwin - stops ncurses


  1. TLDP Ncurses How To

Rails Console for Your Gem

Posted on 12 Dec 2012

I have been creating a gem recently and will usually want to open up an irb session to play around with ideas. When opening the irb session I had to configure the gem and it started to get annoying. I got envious of rails console and decided to make my own script/console for the gem.

Below is what it ended up looking like.

b = File.expand_path('../../lib/', __FILE__)
$:.unshift lib unless $:.include?(lib)

require 'my_gem'
require 'irb'

MyGem.configure do |config| = "My Gem"

irb =
IRB.conf[:MAIN_CONTEXT] = irb.context
irb.context.evaluate("require 'irb/completion'", 0)

trap("SIGINT") do
catch(:IRB_EXIT) do
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