For my side project, ex_venture, I wanted to add a web client that allowed players to connect not just via normal telnet. This meant I needed to add Phoenix. I was excited to try this out because the phoenix devs keep saying how you should just think of it as a layer for your app, not the app itself. Since I had an app already this was the perfect trial.
Brief note: ex_venture is a MUD engine, the protocol up until now was only telnet.
Adding Phoenix
Adding phoenix was a pretty simple affair. It took about 2 hours to get it up and running in a simple form. Here is the commit that adds it entirely. I mostly copied from a new phoenix project and took what I wanted.
The fun part was the TelnetChannel that talked with my session module similar to the normal telnet socket.
Phoenix <-> OTP communication
Another interesting part of this addition was I could add a web admin panel to the game. With this I wanted live updates to the game. If I added a new room to a zone, then I should see it reflected immediately in the game. I achieved this by creating bounded contexts that talk to the data layer then push the update into the OTP layer.
Updating a zone
This shows off updating a zone and pushing the change live into the game. The controller knows nothing about the OTP. Web.Zone
is a layer between Phoenix and the game.
alias Web.Zone
def update(conn, %{"id" => id, "zone" => params}) do
case Zone.update(id, params) do
{:ok, zone} -> conn |> redirect(to: zone_path(conn, :show,
{:error, changeset} ->
zone = Zone.get(id)
conn |> render("edit.html", zone: zone, changeset: changeset)
alias Data.Zone
def update(id, params) do
zone = id |> get()
changeset = zone |> Zone.changeset(params)
case changeset |> Repo.update do
{:ok, zone} ->
Game.Zone.update(, zone)
{:ok, zone}
anything -> anything
# pid expands to the elixir Registry
def update(id, zone) do
GenServer.cast(pid(id), {:update, zone})
def handle_cast({:update, zone}, state) do
{:noreply, Map.put(state, :zone, zone)}
Adding a new room to a zone
This shows off how the Room admin will spawn a new room in a zone after being created. The controller knows nothing about OTP. Web.Room
is a layer between Phoenix and the game.
alias Web.Room
def create(conn, %{"zone_id" => zone_id, "room" => params}) do
zone = Zone.get(zone_id)
case Room.create(zone, params) do
{:ok, room} -> conn |> redirect(to: room_path(conn, :show,
{:error, changeset} -> conn |> render("new.html", zone: zone, changeset: changeset)
alias Data.Room
def create(zone, params) do
changeset = zone |> Ecto.build_assoc(:rooms) |> Room.changeset(params)
case changeset |> Repo.insert() do
{:ok, room} ->
Game.Zone.spawn_room(, room)
{:ok, room}
anything -> anything
When the Room.Supervisor comes online it lets the zone know it’s PID to spawn new rooms in.
def spawn_room(id, room) do
GenServer.cast(pid(id), {:spawn_room, room})
def handle_cast({:spawn_room, room}, state = %{room_supervisor_pid: room_supervisor_pid}) do
Room.Supervisor.start_child(room_supervisor_pid, room)
{:noreply, state}
The Room.Supervisor
starts the new room in the supervision tree.
def start_child(pid, room) do
child_spec = worker(Room, [room], id:, restart: :permanent)
Supervisor.start_child(pid, child_spec)
Adding Phoenix to an regular OTP app was incredibly simple and the Phoenix team did what they set out to. I hope you explore the rest of the app to find more examples of Phoenix <-> OTP communication.